Working people struggle to pay rent and their bills. They look to improve their income with better work & reduce
their expenses through community resources - all so they can keep their homes & avoid homelessness.
You can give your time & talent to the programs & services of Christian HELP to empower family independence.
We provide training; you provide the talent. Together, we make a difference.
their expenses through community resources - all so they can keep their homes & avoid homelessness.
You can give your time & talent to the programs & services of Christian HELP to empower family independence.
We provide training; you provide the talent. Together, we make a difference.
Let's talk about you serving!
Send us an email with your interest or questions.
Send us an email with your interest or questions.
each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others.
1 peter 4:10 niv
See where you can serve using your gifts:

Job Fair
Greet, equip, & guide job seekers to their next employer
at our Orange County Job Fairs
Greet, equip, & guide job seekers to their next employer
at our Orange County Job Fairs

Trainers: Various Remote or In-Person Opportunities
Equip small groups with skills for better work
& a better life
Equip small groups with skills for better work
& a better life

Project Work: Remote or In-Person
Short term commitment to begin & finish a project;
bring your unique skills: IT, Excel, website, learning, design, or tracking, etc.
Short term commitment to begin & finish a project;
bring your unique skills: IT, Excel, website, learning, design, or tracking, etc.

Food Pantry
Stocking, unloading, & greeting clients with the food
they need weekly; Weekdays: 9am-2pm
Stocking, unloading, & greeting clients with the food
they need weekly; Weekdays: 9am-2pm

Event Ambassador
Help to plan, facilitate,
& staff events
Help to plan, facilitate,
& staff events

Administrative Support: Remote or In-Person
Documentation, data entry, appointment setting & follow-up;
general office support
Documentation, data entry, appointment setting & follow-up;
general office support

Group Serve Opportunities
Bond with your team while doing a food drive, grounds work, or serve at our Christmas Blessings event; smaller groups may also serve in our pantry
Bond with your team while doing a food drive, grounds work, or serve at our Christmas Blessings event; smaller groups may also serve in our pantry
we're so grateful to those that served
with their groups!